Saturday, August 30, 2014

Me on This Week's Book Week (118)

This Week's Book Week is rather similar to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews only with far more rambling and a less witty title. ;)

Hi all! Summer reared its stupid head again this week. *melts*

I'm off to Edmonton tomorrow (Sunday) and won't be back until some point on Thursday. This means no regular Tuesday review or Waiting on Wednesday post, but the regular Friday review will go up. Because I'll be around to tweet the link. It's far easier to do that on my laptop than on my phone.

So I downloaded some e-books from the library, thinking I'd read those while I was away and take a break. And then I got the e-mails about some e-galleys I'd asked about. Now I feel swamped. I'm definitely going to review the books I've requested, that's for sure. But as for the ones I've received and not requested or ones I've borrowed or bought? Not for the next couple of months.

Does anyone else feel obligated to review the books they receive unsolicited? Every so often I get something I didn't request and go, "I'm only vaguely interested in you, I don't know what to do with you." What do you do? Review them if they sound interesting? Review them no matter what? Ignore them? Maybe I should do some mini reviews.

Reviews for the coming week will feature Winterkill by Kate A. Boorman (Friday). If you liked Sorrow's Knot by Erin Bow, then I would really recommend you check out Winterkill. :)
Bought/borrowed/received: (apologies for the fuzziness of the top picture)
Fiendish by Brenna Yovanoff (bought) (I want to review this, but with my busy schedule it might be a few weeks.)
Firebug by Lish McBride (from Raincoast Books)
The Spiritglass Charade by Colleen Gleason (from Raincoast Books)
The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place by Julie Berry (from Raincoast Books)
Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake (e-galley from Macmillan through Raincoast Books)
The Island of Excess Love by Francesca Lia Block (e-galley from Macmillan through Raincoast Books)
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini (e-galley from Macmillan through Raincoast Books)
Infinite by Jodi Meadows (e-book borrowed from the library)
Just One Day by Gayle Forman (e-book borrowed from the library)
Just One Year by Gayle Forman (e-book borrowed from the library)

1 comment:

  1. So I was undecided about Winterkill but your comparison to Erin Bow just sold me. *adds to wish list*
