Saturday, January 10, 2015

Me on This Week's Book Week (137)

This Week's Book Week is rather similar to Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews only with far more rambling and a less witty title. ;)

Another week goes past where it feels like the world has cracked once more under all the pressure we put  upon it. *hugs for everyone*

And another week goes past where I only read the books that have reviews scheduled and I don't get ahead and build up a buffer so I don't have to panic-read over the weekend. *face-palm* Curse you, reading slumps.

Reviews going up this week will feature The Conspiracy of Us by Maggie Hall (Tuesday) and Jewel of the Thames by Angela Misri (Friday). :)
Some Kind of Normal by Juliana Stone (from Sourcebooks through NetGalley)


  1. Haven't heard of this before. Hope you enjoy it! I know, having a reading slump sucks.

    Here's my StS

  2. Reading slumps suck :(. I hope you pull yourself out of it soon, and this looks like a pretty cool read.
    Ninja Girl
