Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 10 - Lisa Voisin

Day 10. What I like about this event is no author is exactly the same as another. They all have different backgrounds, different stories, and different paths to publishing. Everything's all diverse, but all of them have a love of writing. :)

Lisa Voisin currently lives in Vancouver, BC. After studying English literature in Toronto and creative writing in Burnaby, she had the great fortune of being mentored by Nancy Richler and A.M. Dellamonica through Betsy Warland's Vancouver Manuscript Intensive solo program. A self-proclaimed coffee lover, she lives on a steady diet of coffee and fiction. When not writing, she can be found meditating in the mountains in an attempt to counteract the caffeine. Her debut YA novel, The Watcher, was published by InkSpell Publishing this past March. You can find her at her blog and on Twitter (@lvoisin). :) (Bonus at the end of the post.)

Q: Since it's an event featuring Canadian authors, I figured I'd ask all the authors who chose the Q&A to say how they would count as a Canadian author, be it they were born here, lived here, or moved here. So, how Canadian are you?

A: I was born in Canada and I’ve lived here all my life. My father is from Belgium, so I’m first-generation Canadian on his side of the family, and second generation on my mom’s side.

Q: Can you briefly discuss your March debut, The Watcher? What's it all about?

A: Simply put, The Watcher is a YA paranormal romance about a girl who finds herself caught between two fallen angels, both of whom share a past with her. It’s also about a love that transcends time, and the way trauma from the past repeats itself. It's also a tale of redemption.

Q: It seems that, for the past few years, the market has been packed with paranormal romance, both adult and YA. What do you think is that spark or moment in The Watcher that sets it apart from similar books? What do you hope will draw in readers?

A: I hope to draw readers into the story by the characters and the world they’re in. In so many angel stories, the angels are either really dark or squeaking clean. I wanted to introduce the idea of angels being spiritual and being capable of sinning, and thus redemption.

Q: Your publisher, Inkspell, is a small and (from what I've seen on the website) mainly digital publisher. Do you like your publisher?

A: I do. I’m very grateful to Inkspell for everything they’ve done for me. I’ve learned a lot along the way. When I first signed up with them, they weren’t established as a digital-only imprint yet. They assured me print copies would be available (even in Canada!) through a major distributor. I appreciate the steps they took to make that happen.

Q: What did you love about writing The Watcher the most? Or the least?

A: The Watcher is my first book, so I loved writing the first draft. It was like a honeymoon phase of challenging myself to see if I could actually write a novel-length piece. All the while, I was amazed I was actually writing it. I became addicted to the story as I wrote. Otherwise, I don’t think I would have finished it.

I enjoyed the editing process. The part I liked the least was recognizing how much I had yet to learn. I think the first time someone completes a book, they want to get it published RIGHT NOW. This had been a great boon for companies that help writers self-publish. Waiting, learning, editing, seeking professional feedback, rewriting, editing and learning more is a rigorous process. Once I got past my initial reaction to how much I had yet to learn, I began to embrace the entire learning process. To this day, though, the fun part is hashing out that first draft.

Q: What's next after The Watcher?

A: I’m currently working on the second book in The Watcher series and mapping out the third.

Q: As a fellow Lower Mainland resident, you're accustomed to how much it rains over the fall, through the winter, and straight on into the spring. What's your favourite thing to do in Vancouver when it rains?

A: I’m a big fan of curling up by the fire with a book, a cup of tea, and a cat on my lap. I also take courses. I took sword fighting lessons with Academie Duello this fall. That was really fun!

Many thanks to Lisa for dropping by. Go check out The Watcher now! :)
BONUS! Today's Q&A is doubling for Lisa's current blog tour for The Watcher. There's also an ongoing giveaway Lisa's holding where prizes include a print and e-book copies of the book as well as a winged necklace. The Rafflecopter form for the giveaway can be found here. :) Good luck to those who enter!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the cover artwork for this book! So unique!

